Sacramento Aquarium Society

Bringing Aquarium Hobbyists of the Greater Sacramento Valley Together Since 1952

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SAS Forum Help

This forum is powered by Google. It requires participants to have a Google account to login. Gmail, YouTube, Picasa, Google Drive, Google Calendar, all these products can be used with the same account. If you already have an account for any of the Google products, you have an account to use this forum. If you don't have a Google account you will need to create one to use this forum.

Q) How do I join the forum?

A) First login with your Google account then click on the Apply to join group button.

Click here to apply

Once a moderator accepts your application you can login to Google account and then post to the forum.

Q) I was invited to join the group with an email address that is not a Google account name. How do I join?

A) If you already have a Google account under a different username, login and then click on the Apply to join group button. Once a moderator accepts your application you can login to Google account and then post to the forum. If you do not have a Google account, you will need to create one, login, and then click on the Apply to join group button.

If you are still have a question, please email Tony Griffitts.