The Sacramento Aquarium Society (SAS) is a local fish club that meets at 3:00 pm on the first Saturday (may change to 2nd Saturday because of a holiday weekend) of each month. We are a registered 501 C (3) non-profit organization with an objective to encourage and further the interest of the care and breeding of tropical fish and to promote the exchange of information between amateur aquarists. Meetings typically include a guest speaker, bowl show, raffle, attendance prize, and an auction which includes fish, aquatic plants, and aquarium supplies. Many of the auction items go for less than wholesale prices.
Next Meeting - February 1st
Program: Dr. Jan Nolta - "Natural Aquariums - Live Foods and What I Breed and Feed"
The Sacramento Aquarium Society is excited to host it's very own Jan Nolta at our next general meeting. In her talk for the Sacramento Aquarium Society on February 1, 2025, titled “Natural Aquariums – Live Foods and What I Breed and Feed” she will discuss the hacks she has developed for raising and feeding various live foods and breeding pea puffers, wild Betta fish, Apistogramma, Kribensis, livebearers, medaka, rainbow shiners, plecos, catfish, different strains of killifish, Gilbert’s pygmy sunfish, and more!
Jan started breeding fish at five years old, rescuing mosquito fish from the northern California rice fields as the puddles were drying up. As a kid, she dreamed of having a “real” aquarium setup, and she now has multi-tank syndrome with over 39 planted freshwater tanks around her home and office, including a 300-gallon aquarium with @Olliethepufferfish, a 14-inch freshwater Fahaka puffer. She has kept and bred different fish and aquatic creatures throughout her life, using natural planted tank systems and various live foods in her breeding projects.
In college, she bred Betta fish, developing a pure green strain that she traded to Capital Aquarium, which was once the largest aquatic store in Sacramento. At one point, there were over 200 containers of Betta fish in her condo! More recently, she has been fascinated by guppy tail and color pattern genetics. With her love of genetics developed during a lifetime of fish breeding, Jan pursued a career in human gene therapy and is now a Professor at the University of California Davis Medical Center in Sacramento, developing and delivering cell and gene therapies to human patients.
Jan is on the Board of Directors for the Sacramento Aquarium Society and the American Killifish Association. She started the BAND channel “Sacramento Area Fishkeeping” and keeps members updated through that platform and other social media linked below:
Instagram: @Olliethepufferfish https://www.instagram.com/olliethepufferfish/?hl=en
Board Member, Sacramento Aquarium Society: http://www.sacramentoaquariumsociety.info/
Board Member, American Killifish association:
BAND Channel, “Sacramento Fish Keeping:”
Instagram 2nd account: https://www.instagram.com/endlerguppyfan/
Professional publications in Cell & Gene Therapy: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=nolta+J&sort=date
05/23/2023 - Primary Lines Liquid Fertilizer Breakdown - By Chris Fassett
04/09/2022 - Google Photo Library of Five Florida Springs taken between 03/26 - 03/27/2022. Click on the Info icon (three verticle dots upper right corner on mobile phone) to see information about each photo. By Tony Griffitts
02/22/2022 - New SAS Article "Breeding Critically Endangered Rainbowfish - Melanotaenia ajamaruensis" - By Amaru & Travis Gillmor
02/22/2022 - New SAS Article "Melanotaenia picta - Painted Rainbowfish" - By Amaru & Travis Gillmor
12/19/2021 - New SAS Article "Trichromis salvini, The Yellow Belly Cichlid" - By Richard Griffiths
11/23/2021 - New SAS Article and Tool- "Aquarium and Pond Log" - By Tony Griffitts
10/06/2021 - New SAS Article - "Ammonia Test Result is More than Ammonia" - By Tony Griffitts
04/28/2021 - In July 1955 the First Tropical News was Published
Here is a link to the July 1955 Tropical News
SAS Store
Visit the SAS Store for SAS branded products.
Historic Tropical News Online
Modesta Moréy has digitized historic Tropical News going back to 1955 and they are now available via Google Drive for those members that have a Google account. If you have a Google account and you do not see the Tropical News in your "Shared with me" folder send me (Tony Griffitts) an email and I will share it with you.
"Members Only" Web Pages
The Members Only section is available to members of the Sacramento Aquarium Society. It currently contains articles, current and past digital issues of the Tropical News newsletter, email addresses for club members, contact information for club officers and committee chairs, a list of sales table products, and Board of Directors meeting schedule.
Contact Tony Griffitts (SAS Webmaster) for access.
Website Design
Please send content ideas, usability suggestions, or problems with this site to the SAS Webmaster Tony Griffitts.