Sacramento Aquarium Society

Bringing Aquarium Hobbyists of the Greater Sacramento Valley Together Since 1952


Benefits of S.A.S. membership include a subscription to the "Tropical News" newsletter, eligibility for the monthly meeting attendance prize, discounted admission to events, access to the "Members Only" part of the website, access to the "SAS Forum," and an auction account.  Some local fish stores offer discounts to members.

Tropical News CoverAnnual membership dues are $20. Sign-up/renew/rejoin or make changes to membership infomation by completing the SAS Membership Form. Then pay for your membership through the PayPal buttons below or pay at one of our meetings or mail a check. Please use PayPal link on the website or make checks payable to Sacramento Aquarium Society, PO Box 160545, Sacramento, CA 95816-0545.  If you have questions about SAS membership please email Modesta Moréy.


1 Year Membership $20